The Cat That Changed America Eco Tips in Ventura County

After a successful Earth Day screening at Oak Park High School, The Cat That Changed America featured in the Eco Tip environmental column of the Ventura County Star.

“Recently, the Oak Park Unified School District’s Environmental Committee hosted the screening of a documentary showing how reduced use of a particular hazardous material also benefits wildlife. “The Cat That Changed America” includes material powerfully presented by Poison Free Malibu to persuade viewers not to use anti-coagulant poisons for rodent control. Anti-coagulants kill mice and rats through internal bleeding, but poisoned pests take a long time to die. In the meantime, they often become food for wildlife, ranging from mountain lions to birds of prey, spreading the poison up the food chain.”

If you want to host a screening of this film for your community to raise awareness about the effects of anti coagulant rodenticides and the issues of connectivity facing all wildlife, get in touch via the website.